Citizenship Day: Meet the New Neighbors
Neighbors of Musser Park in Lancaster must have woken up with a shock last Saturday Morning, when loud Nepali Music started playing from the sound system set up right next door. They watched from their doorsteps as slowly, people speaking a plethora of languages made their way into the park. The Burmese table went up first, showing pictures of the rolling hills of their homeland and a brightly colored Burmese flag. Next a stand with beautiful handmade jewelry, made by Refugees popped up next door. The trend continued as a Turkish Gyro began to spin, the Ahiskan Turks set up their stand of delicious treats, and the Burmese brought out Sushi for all to enjoy.
Community members from the Ahiskan, Burmese, Bhutanese, and Iraqi communities buzzed around the park, excited to speak with Mayor Gray, Senator Brubaker, Senator Smucker, Charolotte Fry, and Vice Consul Umit Alpaslan Kilic before they gave their speeches. As 11:30 rolled around, everybody took their seats and the festivities officially began. Mayor Gray, Senator Smucker, and Senator Brubaker spoke about the importance of new citizens, how they serve as an inspiration and invigorate the United States. Charolotte Fry spoke about her twisted path to citizenship, including several countries and a variety of different visas. Vice Consul Umit Alpaslan Kilic spoke about the common values that Turkish people and American people share, like hard work and perseverance.
Shortly after the speeches, everybody sat down and ate a lunch that was inspired by countries all around the world. New American Citizens and their representatives laughed and talked together as they enjoyed the amazing food. The international lunch was pleasantly interrupted by Iraqi music, and young Nepali and Burmese girls dancing in a flurry of colorful clothing. The afternoon drifted by and, driven by curiosity, some of the neighbors crept past their thresholds to celebrate with their fellow citizens.
Written by Evan Whiting

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